Aman Marghani

Web Designer

Graphic Designer


Video Editor

Aman Marghani

Web Designer

Graphic Designer


Video Editor

Webratna Wall Design

  • Created By: Aman Marghani
  • Date: 16/04/2019
  • Client: Web Ratna
  • Categories: Wall Banner Designing

Project Description:

 I had the privilege of designing a vibrant and motivational wall for Web Ratna, a dynamic digital marketing company based in Vadodara, Gujarat. This design was crafted to inspire and energize the workspace, reflecting the company’s ethos and core values.

Design Elements:

  • Motivational Quotes: Featuring powerful quotes like “If not us, who? If not now, when?” and “Knowledge is power” to boost team morale.
  • Core Values: Highlighting key principles such as “Hard Work,” “Vision,” and “Mission” to align with Web Ratna’s objectives.
  • Dynamic Graphics: Incorporating elements like “Go Green,” “Keep Rocking,” and “Get It Done” to foster a positive and proactive work environment.
  • Professional Themes: Including references to “Digital Marketing,” “Mobile App Development,” and “Coffee Time” to resonate with the daily activities and spirit of the team.


The wall design not only beautifies the office space but also serves as a constant source of motivation and inspiration for the Web Ratna team, reinforcing their dedication to excellence in digital marketing and technology.